Paul Roe and his method


Always learning
Movement and growth
Life always provides opportunities to learn & grow. As we increase our understanding our resourcefulness grows. Most of the answers to the challenges we face in life come from within. Pausing to reflect provides the space for learning how to adapt to our changing circumstances.

A symbiotic relationship
I did my PhD on collaboration many years ago and now more than ever, realise this is a crucial capacity we need to develop to be effective and fulfilled in our lives. To do so requires us to be curious together with a non-hierarchical mindset.

Tuning into the flow
My coaching practice is grounded in presence and creating thinking partnerships that are flexible and responsive. I value greatly the relationships we create towards living an authentic life.
Why work with me?

My experience
My coaching practice is built on a lifetime in education. As an early school-leaver, I took leaving cert at night in my early 20’s, continuing my education in UCD, UL, and the University of York (Ph.D. in Collaborative Practice). Now in my late 50’s my appetite for learning and growth is undiminished.
I am extremely passionate about coaching; and am acutely aware of the challenges leaders face today in this age of complexity, with increased workloads and time pressures. As a developmental coach working also as a lecturer and a performer, I understand the demands and stresses involved in producing high-quality work in a range of environments. My clients include leaders in education, arts, and health.
I approach coaching as a compassionate, empathic, and deeply respectful conversation. I work with clients to create a meaningful and empowering space to explore a broad range of interconnected issues related to work and personal life. A happy life is one that is balanced and integrated combining personal satisfaction and a healthy work ethos
- 2007 PhD University of York, England
- 2000 Master of Arts (M.A.) (1st Hons) University of Limerick
Coaching Qualifications/Training
- Accredited Coach with the Association for Coaching with over 1,000 hours completed
- Advanced Diploma in Executive and Personal Coaching [EMCC]
- Co-Active Coaching Certificate CTI [London]
- Systemic Team Coaching Certificate
- Transactional Analysis Certificate [TA 101]
- Power of Embodied Transformation [Coaches Rising]
- Presence-Based Leadership & Mentor-Coach Training to Professional Coaching Certificate level [North Carolina-U.S.A.]
My Dragon Tail
A Dragon-Tail is a metaphorical tail that represents all our lived experiences. The life experiences of a coach, a teacher, or a mentor matter enormously, as this history enhance and enriches what he has to offer. He literally embodies all the qualities and capacities of that lived experience. In many ways, this is more important than any training or study.
A dragon tail is therefore a metaphor for all the experiences we have had in life. Here is mine:
- Living in a deeply committed relationship with my first girlfriend- now my wife of 38 years.
- Being the Dad of three wonderful people Niamh, Jenny & Daniel.
- Loving being the Grandad of 4 wonderful grandkids Saoirse, Cillian, Jacob & Sam.
- Deepening my life perspective from the loss of my mother and dearly beloved sister Ellen with 2 months of each other.
- Coaching many leaders in education, arts, and other disciplines.
- Undertaking extensive coach training in Ireland, UK, and USA.
Mentoring students from secondary to Ph.D. level. - Supervising educational programs/individuals at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
- Examining & adjudicating at all levels up to and including Ph.D.
- Pursuing mastery as a clarinet player for over 50 years.
- Investing hugely in my education continuously over 40 years
- Seeker-Pathwalker: A continuing lifetime search & striving to understand the essence of life. An irresistible desire to grow and learn about a life well-lived.
- Completed the Hoffman Process-an intense condensed experiential programme of change that has been in existence for over 50 years.
- Facilitating and empowering groups through music in many different communities including healthcare and educational settings at primary, post-primary, and tertiary levels.
- Training teachers in the primary music curriculum.
- Achieving a first-class honors masters in Community Music.
- Leaving school at 15 and completing second-level studies at night whilst working during the day and newly married.
- Undertaking a Fulbright postdoctoral Scholars award for a semester in New York City.
- Continuing life studies on the path of growth and self-discovery through various philosophies and practices including mindfulness & movement-based work.
- Being supported by an array of wonderful guides & mentors including the grounded wisdom of my wife.
- Starting golf, achieving the lowest handicap of 12, and managing to escape the clutches of this pursuit!
- Publishing academic articles on collaboration amongst others. Collaborating with a range of exceptional musicians to make great music.
- Recording many CDs as a soloist and chamber musician.
- Risk-taking by leaving secure pensioned positions as a musician and educator to pursue further growth and learning.
- Engaging in a broad range of arts practices including visual arts, poetry & literature.
- Consulting on music, education & community with a range of national organisations.
- Commissioning and performing many new works by renowned composers.
- Holding lecturing positions at TU Dublin- Conservatory of Music & Royal Irish Academy of Music
Giving music workshops in most counties in Ireland. - Lecturing at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
- Performing as a member of the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland for 12 years.
- Playing concerts across the globe including Italy, Spain, Poland, Canada, USA, Japan, China, Korea, UK, Hong Kong, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Macedonia, France, Holland, Germany.
- Giving master classes and teaching in Italy, Spain, Poland, Canada, USA, Japan, China, Korea, UK.
- Growing on a spiritual path born Catholic – exploring other faiths and feeling connected to Buddhism
Meditating – a daily practice for 15 years. - Taking a 10-day silent vipassana meditation retreat in Thailand
Developing a Tai-Chi practice over 3 years - Completing a Ph.D. on Creative Collaborative working

Any questions left unanswered? I am always happy to hear from you.
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